Thursday, September 4, 2014

Malloy slams himself for Flipping on guns in new TV ad - CT Politics

Thomas Paine says:
It would be useful if Mr. Foley reminded Connecticut residents that Governor Malloy has not been a staunch anti-gun crusader for as long as he would like people to believe. In fact, in the weeks prior to the massacre at Sandy Hook, the Governor was trying to lure Bushmaster Firearms headquarters staff to Stamford using tax incentives funded by taxpayers. Yes, the anti-gun Governor was bribing the company that manufactured the firearm used by Adam Lanza to relocate to Connecticut. In the wake of the Newtown rampage, Malloy’s staff quietly scuttled that deal saying that it was the decision of the Freedom Group (Bushmaster’s owner) given the corporate uncertainty in the wake of Newtown.
So Governor Malloy was FOR Bushmaster and its “assault weapon” products before he was against it.
Some clarity on this would be helpful for voters as Malloy tries to convince voters that non-gun owning Foley is the “pro gun” candidate and the Governor is the pure “anti gun” candidate.

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