Saturday, May 31, 2014

What An Income Tax Did to Connecticut | Washington Policy Center

What An Income Tax Did to Connecticut | Washington Policy Center

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Connecticut's Tax And Spend See-Saw “People in Connecticut are finished. They’re done.”

Spending is tied inextricably to tax increases: As taxes increase, spending increases. And this is why tax increases are not an effective solution to debt, which is caused by spending and can be reduced in the long term only by spending cuts.

A tax increase – better still, borrowing, which shifts debt payments forward to children yet unborn -- may be an efficient means of meeting an immediate debt, but the unintended consequences of tax increases are, to put it mildly, destructive to the economy for a host of reasons.

 “People in Connecticut are finished. They’re done.” Ms. Dean meant – it is no longer possible to raise taxes to meet a deficit. After boosting taxes to satisfy appropriations that had tripled within the space of four governors, the revenue well has now gone dry. There is no more juice in the lemon. If you raise taxes on people, their own budgets will be pushed into the red. If you raise taxes on companies, they will move to secure the profitability of their operations. It’s over – done – fini. You can’t make lemonade from a lemon peel.

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State: Connecticut's Tax And Spend See-Saw

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Campaign for governor just panders to unions - Malloy the union organizer and servant.

Last month Governor Malloy gave a campaign speech to a government employee union rally at the state Capitol, boasting that unionization of government workers has increased dramatically during his administration and rousing the union members with his conclusion: "I am your servant."

Campaign for governor just panders to unions - Journal Inquirer: Chris Powell

Friday, May 23, 2014

Malloy,Demons Scamming CT Taxpayers for more Lifetime 100K+ Pensions! WTF Corrupticut!

Malloy also had nominated a 66-year-old for a judgeship in 2013: longtime Democratic insider and former five-term state Rep. Maurice B. Mosley of Waterbury, who was confirmed by the legislature and will reach mandatory retirement age in June of 2016. His $100,000-plus pension also won't be affected by the new law.

New Law To Restrict Excessive Judges' Pensions Has Holes In It - Intentionally -

CT: Malloy and Demons getting kickbacks from state contractors! WTF Corrupticut!

Husam Ahmad of Forest Hills, N.Y., gave $10,000 to the Connecticut Democratic Party on March 25, less than two weeks after the state awarded his engineering firm, HAKS, an $8.63 million contract to inspect overhead power lines on the New Haven line of Metro North.

For CT Democrats, those $10,000 checks keep coming | The CT Mirror

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Do you wanna tax break? Apparently it depends on how much you’ve donated to Malloy

Although a candidate who participates in Connecticut’s public finance system may not accept donations in excess of $100, may not take funds from political action committees and may not accept campaign contributions from state contractors, Malloy and the Democrats in the legislature created a massive loophole that allows Malloy to re-direct these types of illegal contributions to the Democratic Party’s federal account.  Once successfully laundered, these funds can then be used to augment the $6.2 million in taxpayer funds that Malloy he will be receiving to pay for his “official” 2014 gubernatorial campaign.

Do you wanna tax break? Apparently it depends on how much you’ve donated - Wait What?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

"The mere possibility of four more years under the 'leadership' of Dannel Malloy should send a shiver down the spines of folks who have built lives for themselves here, people who today can barely afford to live in the communities where they grew up."

But Republicans will continue to hit Malloy hard on fiscal issues. The governor's plan to give state taxpayers a $55 rebate was scuttled when a budget surplus that was projected in January to top $500 million dissolved to $43 million in May.
More ominously, the nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis projects a deficit for fiscal 2016 of more than $1.3 billion.
The GOP's hammering already started before the Democratic convention was over Friday, as state Republican Chairman Jerry Labriola Jr. issued a statement saying: "The mere possibility of four more years under the 'leadership' of Dannel Malloy should send a shiver down the spines of folks who have built lives for themselves here, people who today can barely afford to live in the communities where they grew up."
Labriola said: "Malloy promised us he'd guide our state down a different path as he criticized his predecessors. Today, despite his record 'shared sacrifice' tax hikes, our state's finances are tenuous at best. He has used the same budget gimmicks he campaigned against, and he's pointing fingers at everyone but himself.",0,1771967.story

Friday, May 16, 2014

Malloy re-nominated, won’t let GOP ‘Save Connecticut’ | The Malloy Smoke and Mirror

Mallloy: We made the wrong choices.
Malloy, entered the stage with the The Grateful Dead blaring "[Ct is] going to hell in a bucket but at least the Demons are enjoying the ride"
The governor said in a 16-minute address, noting that his Republican counterparts in other states are slashing taxes, growing jobs and protecting the 2nd Amendment while he has "taken the road less traveled" increasing taxes, increasing spending and bonding our children into "hell in a bucket" or forcing them out of the state.   

Monday, May 12, 2014

CT: State 'in worse shape than Detroit,' CPA warns

CROMWELL — Camille Murphy, a certified public accountant and senior partner of Branford-based Bailey Murphy & Scarano LLC, warned Friday that if Connecticut put all its debt and promises on a ballot sheet, the state would have a $59 billion operating fund deficit.
Murphy, president of the Connecticut Society of CPAs, asked an economic conference, “Do you think this is sustainable? I don’t.”

In past decades Connecticut has increased its bonded debt and unfunded liabilities, putting more pressure on the state budget. As a result, a retiree with a $30,000 annual pension could risk having it shrunk to $4,800.

“When Detroit found itself in real trouble it had a debt-to-asset ratio of 5.6 to 1,” she said. “Ours is 22.4 times greater. So, we’re in worse shape than Detroit.”

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Malloy leaves Connecticut on automatic pilot to oblivion:The death spiral continues.

In effect the governor admits this. He says he doesn't care what the legislature's nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis projects for a budget deficit next year because he won't raise taxes again; he'll just cut spending. In his first year in office he imposed what is now Connecticut's record tax increase, but just as with the record tax increase imposed under Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. with the state income tax in 1991, nothing in state government's finances has been put right. Spending, uncontrolled and in some respects actually illegal to control, keeps running ahead of the tax increases.

A budget of pretense on the way to oblivion - Journal Inquirer: Chris Powell

Friday, May 9, 2014

So 18-29 year olds favor the massive bonding and tax deficits that they will have to pay for by voting for Malloy?

or do they plan on leaving the state or living with their parents?

Please if you are in the 55% please comment and tell me why...thanks. 

2. If the election for Governor were being held today, and the candidates were Tom Foley the Republican and Dan Malloy the Democrat, for whom would you vote?
AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Foley                43%    90%    11%    44%    50%    37%    23%    43%    48%    46%
Malloy               43      5     78     38     38     48     55     42     42     41
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1      1      -      1      -      1      1      1      -      1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      1      2      3      2      2      4      3      2      1
DK/NA                10      4      9     14      9     11     17     11      8     10

Connecticut (CT) Poll - May 9, 2014 - Budget, Taxes Hurt Connecticut | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

CT:One of this year’s lieutenant governor candidates, Penny Bacchiochi, echoes Michigan Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land’s recent ad by taking the Democrats go-to identity-politics maneuvers off the table.

“We’re looking at a $1.4 billion budget deficit, and that’s after the historic, largest-in-history tax increase when [Malloy] came in,” Bacchiochi said. “That’s important to every Connecticut resident. Connecticut is at a crossroads; we need to elect a fiscally conservative Republican and a lieutenant governor who can get that agenda through the legislature, passed into law, and get the state back on track.”

Confronting Democrats' Identity Politics Head-On in Connecticut | National Review Online

Malloy adding crushing bond debt-Will the last one out turn out the lights-that is if there is any electricity left in CT.

“We are at now at what I consider a whopping $2.25 billion,” Frantz said on the Senate floor. “That strikes me as a lot. It’s getting to be to the point where it’s going to be very difficult to service this debt. Before hitting the green button or the red button, I would want everybody to pause and think about what we are doing to the next generation.”

Senate Supports Annual Bond Package; Changes Name of Stem Cell Research | Capitol Watch

Malloys spending is unsustainable | News from southeastern Connecticut

Remember Malloy that the budget you inherited was from the Demon controlled legislature NOT from Rell or the Republicans!  
The budget passed both the House and Senate on largely party-line votes. Rep. Edward Moukawsher of Groton was one of only a few Democrats to vote in opposition.

He noted - quite correctly - that the budget passed is not sustainable.

The Day - Growth in state gov't unsustainable | News from southeastern Connecticut

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Day - Odds for Malloy's re-election just got longer | News from southeastern Connecticut

Expect to find some smoke and mirrors when details are known.
Meanwhile, the deficit projected for the first state budget after the election - 2015-2016 - rose to nearly $1.4 billion, not a number any incumbent wants to talk about going into an election. Malloy will be hard pressed to make the case that the state's fiscal problems are fixed.
Foley wasted no time responding.
"It was clear as early as January that the governor's revenue forecast and projected budget surplus were phony, which I pointed out in a statement on January 22," said Foley. "Either the governor is intentionally misleading the public or he can't do basic math."
In January, Foley had called the projected $500 million surplus "fictional" and based on "phony Malloy math."
Malloy would love to be saying today that Foley was full of it. Unfortunately for him and his re-election prospects, he can't.

The Day - Odds for Malloy's re-election just got longer | News from southeastern Connecticut

The Day - Will Malloy fade away like Amistad? | News from southeastern Connecticut

I mostly blame the administration of Gov. Dannel Malloy because, really, how shameful is it that they keep wiring funds to an organization that has stopped filing tax returns and has not kept enough records of the millions in state subsidies it has received to even be successfully audited.
There is a combination of gross mismanagement and arrogant denial in this that seems to have become hallmarks of the Malloy administration. Can’t someone admit they were wrong, and fix it?
It makes you understand better why the governor continues to collect such unfavorable ratings in the polls. One wonders why Malloy won’t just fade away this fall, too, like the Amistad.

The Day - Will Malloy fade away like Amistad? | News from southeastern Connecticut

Sunday, May 4, 2014

CT: House, Senate Approve $22.3 Billion Annual Budget with a Billion $ deficit That Delays Teachers Bribes.

The original budget for the 2015 fiscal year was $22.3 billion, but the enacted budget Saturday night was $19 billion after billions of dollars in funding were moved “off-budget” last year after Malloy proposed changes to the state-mandated spending cap.
Sen. L. Scott Frantz of Greenwich said on the Senate floor that Connecticut has received an “F” for budgetary and fiscal policies, along with being ranked 45th in economic competitiveness and record bonded indebtedness. With GAAP accounting and private-sector standards, Connecticut would have a deficit of about $1 billion for the current fiscal year, he said.
“It’s that we cannot resist spending and increasing our spending every year,” Frantz said, adding that spending is on a “compounding trajectory that is unsustainable.”
“I know no one wants to talk about Detroit,” said Frantz, adding that the once-prosperous city of 2 million in its heyday is now down to about 800,000 people. “It looks like a war zone. It is unbelievable.”
He says the combined out-year deficits in fiscal years 2016, 2017, and 2018 are about $3 billion.

House, Senate Approve $19 Billion Annual Budget That Delays Tax Breaks | Capitol Watch

Friday, May 2, 2014

Connecticut | Tax Foundation Please vote Malloy OUT!

Connecticut | Tax Foundation

Budget Deal Doesn’t Erase Future Deficits, But Malloy & Dems Not Worried-More proof that Malloy truly is delusional.

Despite creating what is likely to be around a $1.3 billion deficit on paper in 2016, Malloy said he’s proud of what he has accomplished in this budget and past budgets and doesn’t care “what the number is” in 2016.

That's because he will NOT be the Gov of CT in 2016.

CT News Junkie | Budget Deal Doesn’t Erase Future Deficits, But Malloy & Dems Not Worried

Malloy bribing teachers for votes-What about tax-breaks for the rest of CT retirees?

Back in February, when he believed the tax outlook was much rosier, Malloy proposed a two-stage income tax break for retired teachers living in Connecticut. His budget would exempt 25 percent of their pensions from taxation retroactive to this past January, saving teachers about $23 million on their tax filings next spring. And the exemption would jump to 50 percent in 2015.
Though full details weren’t available early Friday, Barnes confirmed that the tax break for teachers now would be phased in over three years, and won’t begin until January 2015 – with a 10 percent exemption and affecting tax returns filed in the spring of 2016.
New CT budget deal delays tax breaks, dumps keno, employs questionable savings | The CT Mirror

Foley Calls On Ben Barnes To Step Down As Malloy’s Budget Chief | Capitol Watch

“OPM Secretary Ben Barnes either can’t add or caved to election-year political pressure when he published budget estimates showing a sizable surplus this year,” Foley said. “His estimate was the foundation for the governor’s foolish election-year policy initiatives including several hundred million dollar plus handouts that would have further burdened Connecticut taxpayers and further stressed Connecticut’s precarious fiscal situation. Barnes comment that he was “taken off guard” by the $471 million drop in revenues is either dishonest or an admission of breathtaking incompetence. Either warrants Mr. Barnes stepping down as OPM Secretary, an important position of responsibility overseeing billions of taxpayer money, a $20 billion a year government budget, and a $280 billion state economy.”

Foley Calls On Ben Barnes To Step Down As Malloy’s Budget Chief | Capitol Watch

Thursday, May 1, 2014

GOP sides with state in lawsuit filed by Democratic governors | The CT Mirror

So the CT taxpayer is on the hook for 6 million dollars to fund a campaign to re-elect a Governor that will continue to destroy the states economy and infringe on our rights!?

NOW he wants more $ and kickbacks from all of his out of state trips fundraising that we the taxpayer paid for!?

GOP sides with state in lawsuit filed by Democratic governors | The CT Mirror

Malloy wants your tax rebate now-Soon will want access to your bank account?

The burden known as the University of Connecticut Health Center wants some more special treatment — and it has to do with tax refunds. A proposal pending in the House of Representativeswould allow UConn to snatch any state income tax refund you're due if you owe the hospital money.
It may seem innocuous on its surface, though chipping away at the barriers that keep the tax department from sharing information should always raise their own alarms. This one is worse. UConn would have the right to collect patient debts by reporting them to the state Department of Revenue Services.
Here's the public health problem. As this policy becomes known among people with rickety personal finances seeking health care, some patients are going to avoid UConn and head for hospitals that can't use the state tax department as a bill collector. Burdened urban hospitals in Hartford, New BritainBristoland Waterbury will have to provide medical care to a disproportionate number of patients who cannot pay. Score one for the state hospital in leafy, affluent Farmington. The Connecticut Hospital Association is so weak that this ill-considered proposal could become law.

Gov. Malloy forced to shift gear into reality as revenue falls short -

CT has the highest Tax burden in US-Malloy puts CT into a death spiral!

Malloy puts CT in a death spiral!

1. CT has the highest tax burden in the US and Malloy is only making it worse. 
2. Malloys largest tax increase in CT's history is increasing outbound migration.
3. With a decreasing population of tax paying residents the burden increases and Malloy raises taxes again and again forcing more to leave.
4. Malloy has taken us "down the road less traveled" the wrong road and hence the death spiral begins.

States, Taxes and the Burdens That Matter

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